The Cloud Home Automation OS (CHAOS) App Store is a system which enables you to browse and install home automation apps into your home. These apps are consistently and reliably run in the cloud to ensure the home is always behaving intelligently based on the your sensed requirements. In short, it adds an app ecosystem layer on top of all the home automation devices in your home, unifying their functionality to provide exciting home automation applications.
The CHAOS App Runner is like a home automation hub, running in the cloud to manage all the devices in your automated home and execute CHAOS Apps to intelligently automate those devices. The CHAOS Manager smartphone app allows quick and simple control of the CHAOS App Runner. With minimal effort you can browse the available apps and tell the CHAOS App Runner to download and run apps for your home.
Instead of the old-fashioned approach of setting up home automation rules and triggers, you just browse the app store to find the app that gives you the home automation functionality you desire. You can then be safe in the knowledge that the app developer created and tested the app to reliably produce intelligent home automation functionality.
Using the CHAOS App Store will allow you to effortlessly setup automatic energy saving, intelligent home security and enhanced home convenience, breathing new life into your automated home systems.
The first release works with the Vera Control home automation hub, and there are many more devices on the way. Go here, to try the CHAOS App Runner with this phone app.
The Cloud Home Automation OS (CAOS) App Store è un sistema che consente di sfogliare e installare le applicazioni di automazione domestica in casa vostra. Queste applicazioni sono costantemente e affidabile eseguiti nel cloud per garantire la casa è sempre comportando in modo intelligente in base alle vostre esigenze rilevate. In breve, si aggiunge uno strato ecosistema app in cima a tutti i dispositivi di automazione domestica in casa, unificando la loro funzionalità per fornire interessanti applicazioni domotiche.
Il CAOS App Runner è come un hub domotica, in esecuzione nel cloud per gestire tutti i dispositivi in casa automatizzata ed eseguire CHAOS applicazioni per automatizzare in modo intelligente questi dispositivi. Il CAOS smartphone Gestore app consente il controllo semplice e veloce del caos App Runner. Con il minimo sforzo è possibile sfogliare le applicazioni disponibili e raccontare la CHAOS App Runner scaricare ed eseguire applicazioni per la tua casa.
Invece di un approccio vecchio stile di istituire norme di automazione domestica e trigger, basta sfogliare l'app store per trovare l'applicazione che ti offre la funzionalità di domotica che desiderate. È quindi possibile essere sicuri nella consapevolezza che lo sviluppatore app ha creato e testato l'applicazione di produrre in modo affidabile funzionalità di domotica intelligente.
Utilizzando il CAOS App Store vi permetterà di sforzo impostazione risparmio energetico automatico, sicurezza domestica intelligente e una maggiore comodità di casa, respirare nuova vita nei vostri sistemi domestici automatizzati.
La prima versione funziona con il mozzo domotica Vera controllo, e ci sono molti più dispositivi sulla strada. Vai qui, per provare il CHAOS App Runner con questo telefono app.
The Cloud Home Automation OS (CHAOS) App Store is a system which enables you to browse and install home automation apps into your home. These apps are consistently and reliably run in the cloud to ensure the home is always behaving intelligently based on the your sensed requirements. In short, it adds an app ecosystem layer on top of all the home automation devices in your home, unifying their functionality to provide exciting home automation applications.
The CHAOS App Runner is like a home automation hub, running in the cloud to manage all the devices in your automated home and execute CHAOS Apps to intelligently automate those devices. The CHAOS Manager smartphone app allows quick and simple control of the CHAOS App Runner. With minimal effort you can browse the available apps and tell the CHAOS App Runner to download and run apps for your home.
Instead of the old-fashioned approach of setting up home automation rules and triggers, you just browse the app store to find the app that gives you the home automation functionality you desire. You can then be safe in the knowledge that the app developer created and tested the app to reliably produce intelligent home automation functionality.
Using the CHAOS App Store will allow you to effortlessly setup automatic energy saving, intelligent home security and enhanced home convenience, breathing new life into your automated home systems.
The first release works with the Vera Control home automation hub, and there are many more devices on the way. Go here, to try the CHAOS App Runner with this phone app.